What is Digital Marketing & Digital Channels?


Digital marketing is marketing or branding of the product or services through Different digital channels.

What is Digital Channels?

1. Search engine optimization (SEO)

2. Content Marketing.

3. Social Media Marketing.

4. Email Marketing.

5. Affiliate Marketing.

6. Pay Per Click (PPC).

7. Native Advertising.

8. Marketing Automation.

9. Inbound Marketing.

10. Buzz Marketing.

Some of the most common tactics in digital marketing


This is the process of optimization of the website to get “RANK” in Search engine result page (SERP). SEO practices of increasing the quality and quantity of the website using SEO techniques in an organic way.


This is a type of SEO focus all the content that exists in on-page optimization, optimizing the keywords and Meta description in coding which show in search engine result page.


Here we have to do inbound linking and outbound linking, backlinks to our site. That will help you to show our website in Google SERP.

Technical SEO:-

This is the type of SEO focus on backend of your website like coding, and how the webpage is coded, structure of the website, CSS file optimization come under Technical SEO, it can improve our site speed of the website or loading speed of the site.

Content Marketing

Content is the king in Digital Marketing, why? This term denotes the creation and promotion of content to generate brand awareness, Traffic growth and getting lead generation content is important

These channels play a major role in Content marketing.

•          Blogs

•          EBooks’

•          Infographics

Social Media Marketing

This is practicing promotes your brand and content on social media channels, these channels help us to promote brands, products, services and also the lead generation to your business.

Social Media channels:

•          Face book

•          Instagram

•          Twitter

•          Snapchat

•          Pinterest

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is mainly used in companies, to the way of communicating with their audiences, Email marketing is often used to promote content, discounts, events, e-commerce products, and respective niche, it is useful to business and direct people interaction is easy here.

Types of Promotional Emails

•          Customer welcome Mails

•          Discounts and offer kind of Emails

•          Subscription for website

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a commission-based program, here advertisers pay commission-based money promoting their products on your website.

Best Affiliate Marketing Channels Include

•          YouTube Partner program

•          Amazon affiliate program

Pay Per Click (PPC)

PPC is a method of driving traffic to website paying money to promote publisher every time your ad is clicked. One of the most common publishers is Google ad words. Other channels where you can use PPC include.

•          Paid Ads on Facebook

•          Twitter ad

•          Sponsored Ad

Native Advertising

Native advertising refers to the advertisement that is primarily content lead to featured on the platform along with non-other paid thing, native advertising refers to buzz marketing, marketing of the product through with the references of celebrities.

One more best example of native marketing is facebook and Instagram advertising

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is all about using software to automate marketing activates.

Examples: – social media tools, email marketing tools, ad campaign tools

Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing refers to marketing methodology wherein you attract the engagement, here some inbound marketing.

•          Video marketing

•          Email Contact

•          Blogging

Buzz Marketing

Buzz marketing is one of the digital concepts in digital marketing, where branding of product marketing by celebrities for particular products.

Example: Lenskart, Amazon, Flipkart.

For More Digital Information Please Watch this video

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About btechbabu

Hey Techies & Digital Marketers, Welcome to the blog BTECHBABU! I’m dharsha Suresh professionally a digital marketer and passionate about blogging. I started BTechBabu as a passion, and now it's helpful to 150K readers globally by helping via blogging, tech, and digital marketing. Here at BTechubabu, I cover all the modules of digital marketing. you will find a free piece of content around SEO, Blogging, Tech News, WordPress, web hosting, and money-making tips online

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